Monday, January 18, 2010

Different stages of the Pomegranate

A friend of ours moved back to Portugal a few years ago and before he left he said we could take anything from his garden that we liked.
I looked around and saw a baby Pomegranate tree. It was so pretty that I kew it was what I would pick.
My husband dug it out and replanted it in our backyard, (Not sure if it would take) but hoping and praying it would.

Six or so years later the tree is not very big (they're not fast growing) but it never fails to produce some beautiful pomegranates.
This morning I looked out the window and saw how pretty it looked so I grabbed my camera and went out to take some shots. I hope you like them.

Pomegranate Branch

1 comment:

  1. Peace to you too.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    I respect your beliefs and everyone else's however I'm a Christian and have my own beliefs.
    Blessings to you.
